How Albanians Celebrate the Holiday Season

How Albanians Celebrate the Holiday Season

How Albanians Celebrate the Holiday Season By Denisa Kaca Bradley   The Holiday Season marks a much-awaited time at the end of the year for most of the globe’s population. Today, family members are spread out in different corners of the globe, but they still try...
Culture Shock and Anxiety – By Karen Espig

Culture Shock and Anxiety – By Karen Espig

Why I Took a Bus, a Bath, and a Break Experiences of a new expat in Albania Photo by Cosiela Borta on Unsplash I recently moved from Canada to Albania and applied for residency. I have learned many valuable things over the past 48 days, not the least of which is that...
Happy 8th Anniversary

Happy 8th Anniversary

HAPPY 8TH ANNIVERSARY We are happy with our commitment to become a valuable support to you, expats living in Albania!! As many of you may know, our Facebook Group “Expats in Albania” was created in early 2014. This spring marks our 8th year Anniversary! Happy...
Albania is Open to Americans for a Whole Year!!

Albania is Open to Americans for a Whole Year!!

OLD / NEW LAW for US Foreigners in Albania As all of you very well remember, we went through some stressful weeks starting early November 2021 when the “New Law for Foreigners” was introduced. The word introduction is a very big word to describe what...
New Law For Foreigners

New Law For Foreigners

NEW LAW for FOREIGNERS Digital Workers Digital workers can apply for a one-year permit and ask for an extension for the second year, then five years, and finally request permanent residency. They need to provide one of these types of contract: Service contract with a...
Local Bureaucracy

Local Bureaucracy

LOCAL BUREAUCRACY   We all know the headaches one goes through when dealing with bureaucracy. This is true in most countries but it is definitely true here in Albania. Many of you are going through the process of obtaining a residency permit in Albania and have...
Biometric ID Card

Biometric ID Card

Dear Expats, You can apply for a Biometric ID Card after your application for a residency permit has been approved. After which you will have received a temporary permit with a 60-day expiry. Before or soon after the 60 days expires you will receive an email...
Update on Covid-19 Mandate – Dec 2, 2021

Update on Covid-19 Mandate – Dec 2, 2021

News on the COVID 19 mandates The new Omicron variant has been identified in citizens who have had a history of travel and contact with South African countries, and also measures have been taken by other countries in the world, the Committee of Experts decided to...
A “Live” Community of Expats

A “Live” Community of Expats

Our lives have definitely changed gradually but drastically since smartphones made their flashy appearance. Do you remember how beautiful your first iPhone seemed and how pretty all those colorful buttons called apps looked? What the heck is an app? We all had this...