Tirana Bus

Planning to use the bus in Tirana?

Expats in Albania have complied helpful information for you. You will find in this article general information and tips for using the buses within in Tirana

Public Transport in Tirana

The Bus lines in Tirana (Albanian: Linja Autobusi ne Tiranë) refer to the bus lines operated by both private and public companies within the city of Tirana. Tirana intercity bus lines are not very fast, yet they are cheap. Bus fare average is 40 Lek per ride (about .35 cent).

Public transport in Tirana is used daily on average, by 200 000 people. The majority pay the ticket, and a minority uses a bus pass or booklet. Public transport is free for kids under the age of 7, 7+ is considered the same as adults.


Buses in Tirana run from 06:00 to 23:00, every day of the year. Waiting time can vary from 3-13 minutes (depending on traffic).

According to the law in force, bus passes can be bought only in the kiosks near the bus stations. You need to have a photo ID with you when you purchase the pass, and normally you will need to have your ID with you while using the pass.

Tirana Bus
Tirana Bus

Following are some of the bus passes offered:

  1. One-line Pass: 1200 LEK ~ average $11
  2. General Pass (for everywhere within Tirana): 1600 LEK ~ average $14
  3. Student Pass (includes all the lines): 600 LEK ~ average $5,5

Despite the introduction of relatively new buses, passengers experience overcrowding and intermittent air conditioning onboard the buses. All buses are marked with their destinations, making them relatively easy to use.

The Following lines (intern lines) run through Tirana city.

Some start at the city center near Skanderbeg Square (hence the name “Qender”, meaning “Centre”) or near the Clock Tower of Tirana

Selite – Kristal – Qender – St. Trenit – Allias

Tirana Bus
Tirana Bus

Selite – Kristal – Qender

TEG – Sauk i Vjetër – Kopshti Zoologjik – Ish St. Trenit

Tirana Bus
Tirana Bus

Kashar – Yzberisht – Qender

Qender – QTU – Megatek – CityPark

Tirana Bus
Tirana Bus
Tirana Bus

1. Instituti i Kamzes – Ish Kombinati i Autotraktoreve

2. Center – Ish Kombinati I Autotraktoreve

Laprake – Qender

Tirana Bus
Tirana Bus

Tufine – Qender

Ish St. Trenit – Qendër – Sauk -Sanatorium – TEG

Tirana Bus
Tirana Bus

Qyteti Studenti – Jordan Misja

Mihal Grameno – Marteniteti Ri – Ish F.Aviacionit

Tirana Bus
Tirana Bus

Porcelan – Qendër


Uzina Dinamo e Re – Sharrë – 5 Maji

Tirana Bus
Tirana Bus

Tirana e Re

Tirana Bus

Kombinat – Kinostudio

Linzë – Just recently one of the existing lines (Center-Porcelain) has been extended and it takes you from the center to Linza and vice-versa.

Vorë – A dedicated line traveling from Tirana to Vora has not been announced yet, but one can take the bus to Durres and ask the driver to make a stop in Vore, as its on the way.

Ndroq – There’s a bus station at “21 Dhjetori” street which takes you directly to this destination.

From 2002, ‘Shpresa-Al’ company operates in the transport market offering passengers’ transport within the country and outside, including here:
Tiranë-Kamëz-Tiranë, Tiranë-Fushëarrëz-Tiranë, Tiranë-Krumë-Tiranë and a lot of other important routes.